nazism isn’t over

One of the things that worries me so much about nazism is that we think we are better, that we won’t do the same mistake.

The problem, though, is that we didn’t take a vaccine against nazism. We are obviously against its results but what can we say about our ability to avoid that outcome?

We think we are immune to it, but in fact there is no direct learning that we had in the past to prove that we have stepped up from the level that made nazism possible.

Thinking like this doesn’t allow us to be critic towards ourselves and to try to understand if we would be vulnerable to the kind of thinking that made nazism possible.
What allowed nazism to flourish in the beginning was the ultimate idea, and the fascination of,  that we could build a better world by sacrificing a small piece of our individual humanity.

This is the part we are not immune of. Right now we still think that there is a Top-Level citizen and a Low-level citizen, and that we deserve to be in the top one.
We think there are countries that are “less worthy”, not from a money point of view.
We think that there are people better than others.

That there is a clear distinction between the good people (implicitly “us”) and the bad ones.
And while I could even agree that from a human standpoint there are more altruistic people, more egoistic one, people more inclined to doing good and other more inclined to hurt the society, this still doesn’t allow thinking that we can sacrifice people for a greater good.

That greater good that sound so fantastic, that dream, is what nazism was partly about, it was the concept, the idea, that we could split the world into the worthy and the unworthy, was the distinction between “ours” and “them”, but we were all born equals.

The greater good is learning that we are all the same people under this big roof called earth.
Accepting that, and learning that there is a slippery slope that will try to trick us into thinking we are so better  (while we’re not), is the second step.